
Day 1

인턴일지 l 2012. 6. 6. 15:49


- Medium grind

- 8:9:10 :: Onion:Carrot:Celery

- Use up all the odd/leftover bits

- Cook in a medium rondeau, with EVOO and salt


- Medium grind

- Use up all the little bits

- Keep the parts cold!


- Rid the anal part: watch out for the sharp stuff (don't slide fingers inside)

- Take apart the legs

- Halve the body and pick the meat

- Save all the juice

- Shells for the stock (no gills)

- Go through the meet again for bits of shells

- 1oz per portion in plastic cubs with lids


- Twist off the tails: crush with napkins; shell for stock

- Tamale and shell for the stock (rid gills as they make stock bitter)

- Separate claws and knuckles

- Use meat pounder to crack the claws; make sure to get ride of the cartilage)



- Use peeler to shape them; Use long consistent strokes

- Keep them in water with sugar and lemons

- Spoon the chokes out; lemon them immediately

- Store them in water with lemons, with black napkin on top

'인턴일지' 카테고리의 다른 글

Day 6 - First day on line (observing)  (0) 2012.06.13
Day 5 - 시금치 데치기  (1) 2012.06.12
Day 4  (0) 2012.06.09
Day 3  (0) 2012.06.07
Day 2  (0) 2012.06.06



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